Jean guided us to the French bakery one block away from his appartement. Since that bakery is only known by French, I will not reveal the name :)
The museum visit was great even if it was packed with people. We could not take any picture of the exhibit since it is forbidden. I still managed to get one shot of my favorite Monet's painting before the guard rushed and told me to stop :(

Only at SF or in France you can find those delicious desserts.

The only baguette that I know of in California which actually looks and tasts like a French baguette.

Brioche + Orangina: life can not get any better.


Jean with his Salmon salad.

Monet in Normandy at the Legion of Honor museum.

Monet's painting (my favorite).
The following painting were not part of the special exhibit and cameras were allowed.

Renoir's painting.

Pissaro's painting.

Cezanne's painting.

Benoit likes to paint.

Lucas too.

Lucas chilling out after the exhibit.