We visited my grand-ma and my uncle in Fontange a small and beautiful village in the Cantal. Jean-Louis and I went to Salers to buy some breads. It was so much fun. Jean-Louis stopped every time He saw a car, a farmer to say hello and chat. I could not believe it, He must know every single person 50 miles around.
To make it even better, my grand-ma prepared that really magic truffade that I have not tested anywhere else.

View from our bedroom in Palmont. Not bad at all:)

The door of the main house. Probably has old as the house so let's say 200 years old.

Nice vista from Salers.

Jean-Louis my uncle.

Some curdle from the Cantal (the cheese) which is the main ingredient for the truffade (with the potatoes of course).

My grand-ma working out the truffade until the perfect consistence is achieved.

My dad and uncle having a good time watching my grand-ma making the truffade.

Nice flower.