Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Frog legs are so tasty that it is worth the pain to capture them. No, just kidding, it was for fun only.

Lucas is not afraid of a small frog not like Benoit!

Saint Eulalie

Before we leave the Cantal, we visited my uncle Fernand has a business. He fixes big machines and tractors.

Claire, Lucas and Benoit in front of the church.

Yes, indeed, big machine.

Just the perfect spot for Lucas and Benoit.

Fernand, Marguerite, Dominique, Claire, Lucas and Benoit. Watch carefully, you'll see Lucas the money that Marguerite gave them. They were so happy, we bough some nice toys (Lego) so they can play with them for many years.

Palmont, family lunch

Here is the bread from Salers and the magic truffade.

An American lost in France.

The stress is bad for you. We are working on it.

Claire posing for the photographer.

My uncle barn.

Claire always wanted to be a farmer. I guess it is never too late.

Fontange and the magic truffade

We visited my grand-ma and my uncle in Fontange a small and beautiful village in the Cantal. Jean-Louis and I went to Salers to buy some breads. It was so much fun. Jean-Louis stopped every time He saw a car, a farmer to say hello and chat. I could not believe it, He must know every single person 50 miles around.

To make it even better, my grand-ma prepared that really magic truffade that I have not tested anywhere else.

View from our bedroom in Palmont. Not bad at all:)

The door of the main house. Probably has old as the house so let's say 200 years old.

Nice vista from Salers.

Jean-Louis my uncle.

Some curdle from the Cantal (the cheese) which is the main ingredient for the truffade (with the potatoes of course).

My grand-ma working out the truffade until the perfect consistence is achieved.

My dad and uncle having a good time watching my grand-ma making the truffade.

Nice flower.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Lezoux clay museum

Lezoux is famous for its pottery which were made from the clay that can be found all around. We decided to visit the Clay museum which tell about the history of clay making at Lezoux.

Old house near by the museum.

Cute window.

It must have been hot that day!

Nice buildings which have been converted from old clay factory to the clay museum.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


With the kids (Benoit, Lucas and Florence), we visited the skate park at Thiers. We did not bring the gears from US but that was not enough to stop them.

My dad posing in front of the only house in Pelleloup village.

Lucas saying high to the hunting dogs (one for the rabbits and one for the pheasants).

Thiers skate park.

Benoit jumping of the box.

Florence is resting.


Clermont-Ferrand is the biggest city near my home town. I like to visit la Fnac where I can read the French comic books for hours.

The tramway is taking over the cars downtown.

Organic market near the Cathedral.


For my vacation in France, I traveled from San Francisco to Paris. In Paris, the bus drove me from the airport to the train station (gare de Lyon).

Francois Mitterrand library in Paris.

Gare de Lyon with the fast train in blue.

Gare de Lyon outside view.

My uncle Jean-Louis.

Abandoned house near my dad's home.

Sun rise from my bedroom.

Stone for the memory of resistant killed by the Nazi during the WWII.

Not so afraid cow with tags on it ears.