Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Corey at the Bear Valley Rail Jam

Corey won a special mention at the Bear Valley Rail Jam for most improved. Corey and Benoit snowboarded together with the Devo Team.

Corey Bear Valley Rail Jam

Benoit Bear Valley Rail Jam

Benoit entered the Bear Valley Rail Jam contest. He warmed up on the small rail and decided to hit the big box during the contest. He won a special mention being the youngest (and cutest). Here are the photos.

Benoit Bear Valley Rail Jam

Monday, April 14, 2008

Bear Valley Back Country Ski

Brian convinced Jeff and I that it would be a good idea to back country ski at Bear Valley. Since we did not have any experience with that type of terrain, we register at MAS for a day trip. Steve was our talented guide. Patty, Brian, Steve chose to telemark while Jeff opted for a special binding on his Alpine ski and I for my snowboard and snow shoes.

We started at 9:00 AM and hiked up to the top of the mountain before we cruzed down hill in this beautiful setup.

Steve cruzing

Patty, Brian, Steve and Jeff


Steve and Jeff

A short video of our trip

Monday, April 07, 2008

Bear Valley West Ridge

Bear Valley snowboard Devo team with Michael and Ben.

Benoit and Lucas about to drop in the West Ridge double diamond. The ride was more than we bargain for, with icy condition, rock and trees.

Bear Valley Portraits

After one good day of ski, it was time for some portrait photos. Lucas and Benoit are wearing the Bear Valley Devo team fleece.

Benoit and Lucas portraits

2 portraits from Benoit and Lucas. The first photo was taken from the living room, Lucas is showing the medals that He won playing soccer. For the second photo, Benoit and Lucas are standing in the back yard before going to school.