Friday, December 25, 2009

Bear Valley Back Flip Session

Matt Geenlee, Corey Sciotto, James Young and Shamus have step up their game with this back flip session on Blue Jay (Bear Valley). A fairly steep kicker was built the day before that video was shot. You'll see Matt, Corey, James and Shamus (snowboard) landing their first ever back flip (barrel roll).
The video also feature a "Bail" sequence with the 1 and 1/2 flip from Corey, the not quite a flip by James, 360 attempt by Lucas (7 years) and Benoit big air crash...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bear Valley Opening Day 2009/2010

4 feet of powder for the opening day of the 2009/2010 season at Bear Valley. Jake Casey, Benoit Rouchy, Lucas Rouchy, Tyler Doyle, Lance Doyle, Matt Greenlee, Corey Sciotto, Travis Jeitz and others show their skills on natural and man made features. Not to be miss is the front flip tentative by Matt Greenlee during his warm up run.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Red Fireballs Santa Cruz Soccer

Lucas has been playing with the Red Fireballs team for a few months now. They play the division 4, less than 8 years old.

Check what Ronen, their coach, had to say about the players.

Aidan: Our fearless goalie of many quarters, you stopped almost every attempt to score against us. I enjoyed your good sense of humor in our practice and games. Your goal earlier in the season set the standard for what the other kids termed a giant kick.

Adrien: If any opponent underestimated you, they got a nasty surprise. You really understand the tactical nature of the game, one of the first to get why clearing the ball will best stop a dangerous breakaway. And those kicks, wow. You have a dangerous leg.

Anthony: A fast player with a good understanding of the flow of the game. I'm grateful for your positive influence on the other guys. You were always very focused and dedicated in practice, and upbeat during the games.

Colby: When you got the ball there was no taking it away from you. Your energy and ability to dribble fast helped the team switch rapidly from defense to offense. Many times you dribbled up, pressed against the line by the other team, but still kept our attack in play.

Dalvin: A hard working player, I could depend on you to fill a position with little notice and know that you'd be focused when you stepped on the field. As a goalie you stood tall through waves of attacks, and as a defensive player you never lost your cool, heading off attackers and slowing down breakaways.

Ethan: Serious, dependable, and skilled, I often used you at the tip of our offense. I could trust you to cut your way through our opponents, easing up pressure on our defense even in hard fought games. And after a while we discovered that under all that seriousness there's a very funny guy, too.

Garrett: A strong, fast player with an ability to draw a mass of defenders to you, clearing up spaces for your teammates to operate in. You assisted several goals in just that way. In practice you helped keep our time light-hearted without ever holding back on effort.

Hamish: When we started you seemed a bit timid fighting other kids for a ball, but you've turned into a model of tenacity. I knew that if I needed a tough fullback you where my guy. As your coach it was a pleasure to see how much you improved from one game to the next.

Kienan: A good dribbler with a great awareness of his surrounding, you cooked up some of the nicest passes we had in our games. In good games and in hard ones, you were always a great guy and supportive member of the team.

Lucas: A great midfielder, I could count on you to bring together our attacks, and to take dangerous kicks at our opponents' goal. Your skill and perseverance helped set a good example to the rest of the team of how to keep pressing ahead no matter the score.

Teilo: An energetic player, willing to invest any amount of effort needed to protect your goalie, then quickly turn the direction of the attack in our favor. Your ability to coordinate the forwards during attacks was excellent. You helped turn us into an actual team, with good words and support for your teammates.

Zach: What a noticeable change you had. You started out unfocused and ended up fighting for each ball, kicking well, executing good passes and sending great throw-ins from the sides. I'm very impressed with the effort you put into becoming a better soccer player.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Surfing photos from the O'Neill competition and more here.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Wild Boar Hunting

On a Sunday morning, a wild boar tracks were found a mile or so from my village. 10 or so hunters got together to hunt him.

After 4 hours of a paint full track in the thick bushes, the boar was found by the dogs and ran out of the deep forest but was missed by the hunters. Good for him :)

Wild boar bath tub

4 of those amazing dogs started the hunt. Notice the RF transmitter which becomes handy if the dog get lost.

The track is on. It lasted for 4 hours.

The dogs lost the track on that meadow, since the smart boar, went back and forth in the middle of the cows, so his scent get mixed up with other animals.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Wharf Halloween

During the Halloween's afternoon, all the wharf restaurants and shops opened their doors and offered candies for the kids.

Benoit, with Isabelle's help, created and sew his costume, the pig cowboy fairy.

Estelle Jordan.

Dylan Dunn.

That must be Claire.

Halloween Trick or Treat

Benoit and Lucas visited the neighborhood for the traditional Halloween Trick or Treat.

Our Halloween decoration, pretty good, not like the lawn.

Lucas disguise was a classic among the classic; Scooby-doo.

Nice carving.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bishop Road Trip Summer 2009

Bishop is one of the favorite destination for climbers with top notch bouldering, sport and trade climb.

We camped a few night during the summer and checked out the natural hot springs.

Lucas climbing that nice slaby 5.8 route.

Beautiful scenery can be seen off the high way 395.

Benoit and Lucas posing in front of old furniture that can be seen at the Train museum Bishop.

Natural hot spring with warn but not too warm water. Life is good.

Some more hot spring to warm to take a bath.

France Vacation Fall 2009

For a change, I spend my vacation in France during Fall and the hunting season.

Poorly maintain!

Instant classic!

Nice view from my Dad's home.

The president of the local hunting group and his son looking for jack rabbit.

Wow, that is an amazing picture that I shot here on my way to my grandma, near Super Besse.

Bort-les Orgues.

Fontanges where most of my family leaves must be one of the most beautiful village in France.

Les monts du Cantal.

La Bastide where I spend a few summers.

Bort-les-Orgue dam, one of the largest in France.

My friend Jean-lou's chicken running for his live.

The house is named "La Caroline" since the first owner, who spent a few years in North/South Carolina in US, decided to built it, modeled from the colonial houses.

Benoit Soccer 4-1

Benoit's soccer team had not won a single game this season but that was before this game.

They played at night on a very large field which somehow suited their style. Benoit played quite amazing like his all team who defended like never before.

Time to pick up the shirt.

Benoit could not be stopped. Don't even try, it is hopeless.

Larger field is good since it stretches the lines and creates space.

They play for fun but winning adds to it.