Monday, November 02, 2009

Wharf Halloween

During the Halloween's afternoon, all the wharf restaurants and shops opened their doors and offered candies for the kids.

Benoit, with Isabelle's help, created and sew his costume, the pig cowboy fairy.

Estelle Jordan.

Dylan Dunn.

That must be Claire.


Isabelle said...

Benoit you are awesome, I am so proud you finished your costume. For everyone who missed the sewing moments it was so great to witness Benoit from not being able to handle the sewing machine by himself and then step by step being more and more comfortable with it, until being able to it by himself. Great job, and determination :)

Lucas, you are a very cute Scooby Doo, since Scooby Doo is such a sweet tooth, did you use it as a good excuse to eat a lot of sweets ?

Anne said...

Super les costumes et les
perruques !